7 Work-Life Balance Tips That Will Change Your Life

Work-life balance. Sounds simple enough, right? Whether you’re a student, manager or entrepreneur – or parent or executive –finding the ideal balance between work and lifestyle is something we’re all constantly striving to achieve. For many of us, however, achieving a work-life balance is the equivalent of walking the tightrope: with constant demands from both family and […]

How Companies Are Raising the Bar on Workplace Wellness (Infographic)

The thought of adding an employee-sponsored health program (and increasing company costs) may cause some employers to break out in a sweat. But jumping on the corporate wellness bandwagon has more benefits than just producing fitter employees. According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, employees who think their companies treat them well are more more likely to be innovative […]

How to shift from blame to learning

When things don’t go well in organizational life, it is ever so easy to react by blaming others. For example, we may have a difficult conversation with a co-worker who seems, again, to dismiss our point of view. We wind up feeling “unheard,” frustrated, and possibly even insulted. We react (inwardly, if not outwardly) by […]

How to create an injury-free workspace

Every morning I settle into my chair, sit up nice and straight, place my fingers piano-player-perfectly on the keyboard, and start working. By about 3:00 pm my graceful posture has deflated into a slight slouch; by 4:30 pm I’m lucky if my rear end hasn’t fallen off the seat cushion. Mid-afternoon contortions are pretty common […]