20 People And Culture Gurus You Should Follow On Twitter

Originally posted here Written by Chelsea Pratt There’s a new kind of networking on the horizon. These days, people and culture gurus are taking to Twitter to share insights, start dialogues, and redefine this ever-evolving department. It’s a conversation that every business professional—and certainly all aspiring people and culture superstars—should be a part of. To […]

Employee Engagement Summit And Awards Coming To Chicago

The Employee Engagement Awards & Summit 2016 Launched The Employee Engagement Awards (EE Awards) have announced they’ve opened for awards entries. The ceremony in Chicago on June 22, will follow the Employee Engagement Summit – a conference style event in that will provide practical engagement advice from former winners and current Awards finalists – advice […]

People And Culture: Empowering Your Team

Company Culture

“Put aside administration and policy drafting. It’s time to focus on creating company culture, building your employment brand, and engaging your team members.” – The team at rise.xyz What Is A Company Culture? A company culture is an intangible element that surrounds the workspace of a company. It’s an element that can be compared to […]

This is how HR can help reach company goals [Infographic]

Let’s talk about goals for a minute. Every company has to have them in order to grow and improve. But they can be such a pain to achieve. And when a goal isn’t met, it’s like a punch in the gut, making it hard to stay confident about what your organization is doing. The key […]

Quantifying Your Company’s Emotional Culture

Managers tend to view emotions as something “soft” that can’t really be measured.  But you can — and should — track emotions quantitatively, the same way you’d track employees’ other attitudes and behaviors: through surveys. There’s a key difference in approach, however. In a survey we’ve used in many organizational settings, people don’t tell us how they feel. Rather, […]

Introverts and Extroverts: Different Management Styles

As the boss, your goal is to have all your employees operating at their peak level of energy, efficiency, and motivation—which can be a challenge when it comes to leading a team comprised of introverts and extroverts. How do you manage these contrasting personalities and work preferences? How do you draw out your introverts and get […]