Originally posted here Written by Chelsea Pratt There’s a new kind of networking on the horizon. These days, people and culture gurus are taking to Twitter to share insights, start dialogues, and redefine this ever-evolving department. It’s a conversation that every business professional—and certainly all aspiring people and culture superstars—should be a part of. To […]
Building Strong Internal Relationships Is a Personal Thing
Building collaborative work relationships is a challenge for many people. Relationship building is generally not taught in schools and it’s rarely taught to those who join the managerial ranks. There is a big problem with that.
Employee Engagement Summit And Awards Coming To Chicago
The Employee Engagement Awards & Summit 2016 Launched The Employee Engagement Awards (EE Awards) have announced they’ve opened for awards entries. The ceremony in Chicago on June 22, will follow the Employee Engagement Summit – a conference style event in that will provide practical engagement advice from former winners and current Awards finalists – advice […]
People And Culture: Empowering Your Team

“Put aside administration and policy drafting. It’s time to focus on creating company culture, building your employment brand, and engaging your team members.” – The team at rise.xyz What Is A Company Culture? A company culture is an intangible element that surrounds the workspace of a company. It’s an element that can be compared to […]
This is how HR can help reach company goals [Infographic]
Let’s talk about goals for a minute. Every company has to have them in order to grow and improve. But they can be such a pain to achieve. And when a goal isn’t met, it’s like a punch in the gut, making it hard to stay confident about what your organization is doing. The key […]
Quantifying Your Company’s Emotional Culture
Managers tend to view emotions as something “soft” that can’t really be measured. But you can — and should — track emotions quantitatively, the same way you’d track employees’ other attitudes and behaviors: through surveys. There’s a key difference in approach, however. In a survey we’ve used in many organizational settings, people don’t tell us how they feel. Rather, […]
The Healthy Habits You Need To Bring To The Office This Winter [Infographic]
Harsh winter weather is here, and if your employees have come down with a case of winter blues, you could have a serious problem on your hands. When employees stay inside and neglect their health, they open the door for disengagement and sickness. This infographic — compiled by Limeade, a corporate wellness technology company that […]
Introverts and Extroverts: Different Management Styles
As the boss, your goal is to have all your employees operating at their peak level of energy, efficiency, and motivation—which can be a challenge when it comes to leading a team comprised of introverts and extroverts. How do you manage these contrasting personalities and work preferences? How do you draw out your introverts and get […]
Accreditation: due diligence or straitjacket?
However, it is hard to achieve excellence if a good chunk of the workforce is systematically excluded from consideration on the basis of non-credentialing.
16 Phrases That Make You Look Really Unprofessional in Meetings
47 percent of people surveyed reported that the meetings they attend are not productive. Don’t make it worse by saying these words and phrases.