Why Companies are Abandoning Performance Reviews

The yearly ritual of evaluating and sometimes rating and ranking the performance of employees has many flaws that are constantly overlooked. This method is time-consuming, excessively subjective, demotivating, and ultimately unhelpful. In addition, employees find these evaluations to be quite stressful. Employees are unsure how to improve their performance, and instead, they stress about the […]

The Shift of Performance Management

In order to engage in business growth, we must shift from the traditional performance management, a process that is no longer working. On a primary level, traditional performance reviews are used to document an employee’s performance and used to determine if he or she should get a raise. On a strategic level, the purpose of […]

The Importance of Team Building

When employees hear about having to participate in team building activities and games, many will find an excuse to get out of it. Team building has a bad rep as many view it as utterly useless and unproductive. However,  team building is the most important investment you can make for your people. Team building builds […]

The Employee Engagement Awards Announces Engagement 101

EE Awards

The Employee Engagement Awards today announces its inaugaural #Engagement101 list. The top influencers & experts in the world of Employee Engagement. The list recognises people from all walks of business: the boardroom, HR, Internal Communications, Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurs. Each one has made a significant contribution to the development of Employee Engagement. Some inspire action, […]

The Importance of Talent Management

“There is no way to spend too much time on obtaining and developing the best people” – Larry Bossidy Many organizations are coming to the realization that success comes from a strong pool of talent. In “Talent Management: A Critical part of every leader’s job,” the authors explain how leaders today are playing a significant […]

Authenticity – It’s More Than a Leadership Buzzword


The rallying cry to “be yourself” may sound idealistic. But, as an inclusion professional, my ongoing work with senior leaders and organizations points to just that – authenticity – as a critical component of effective leadership and organizational success. The ability to bring your authentic self to work has some very tangible results: organizations that […]

The Four Key Elements of Regulations and Practices

When you have people working for you, regulations and policies are essential. You need to enforce and communicate a set of policies and practices that reflect your standards of acceptable behavior. However, a successful system does more than draw boundaries; it also recognizes and addresses people’s unique needs. Everyone reacts differently, some people prefer the […]

What Employers Look for When Hiring


There’s no doubt that job searching is stressful. With a competitive job market and many graduates entering the workforce, the search of landing a full-time job is no walk in the park. So what do employers look for when they’re hiring? In “Five things I look for when I’m Hiring”, written by Liz Ryan, she […]