All you need to know about HR-as-a-service

HR has been battling it out between taking up responsibility towards organizational improvement and completing day to day work deliverables. The need to secure a safe spot in the strategy plan has always been the thrust needed to analyzing and leveraging the capability HR holds. To simplify the process of evaluating talent and deploying them […]

7 Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Technology: Preview with William Tincup, RecruitingDaily

Seven Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Tech is a new webcast series is based on a popular series written by William Tincup and Jeremy Ames and published exclusively on The HR Gazette. Sign Up to Receive more HR Tech Tips [contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’7 Points Sign Up’][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][/contact-form] Join HR tech expert Jeremy Ames […]

5 Tips to Save Time and Money Processing Payroll

HR Payroll Systems

Payroll is one of those tedious jobs that very few are passionate about, but it is one that is vital to the company. Thankfully, there are ways that enable you to save time and money while processing payroll. Read five of them here. If you’re going to succeed in the modern workplace, then you need […]

HR – Get Out of the Way!

It’s the annual employee engagement survey!  The data is in – now it’s time to act, right!? Not usually the case. HR finally gets the data from a third party, organizes it in a way that will speak to each department, address leaders and managers about what the issues are specific to their teams, and then mandate programs […]

5 Ways To Pump Up Workplace Productivity

Increasing workplace productivity is something of a holy grail in the business world. Ironically, many of the most deeply-held beliefs about productivity in the workplace are actually contrary to how human beings tend to work best. Rather than increasing productivity, they are actually counter-productive. Here are 5 tips to help genuinely increase workplace productivity. Cut […]