The Link Between Workplace DEI and Performance

Data Analytics and Recruiting

HR Tools Improving DEI also Raise Business Performance Performance-driven behaviors in an organization that further the competitive advantages can unintentionally create barriers to diversity and inclusion. Employees do their jobs as best they can and are unaware of the impact. Proven HR tools and processes, adapted for diversity and inclusion, unleash the potential in every […]

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Disruption

artificial intelligence

Despite billions spent on keeping the Australian economy afloat, companies undergoing significant changes to refine their strategies, advances in technology, and industry-wide restructure the pandemic is already having a massive impact on our livelihood.

HRchat Interview with Guy Ellis: HR, Behavioral Change and Gen Z

In episode 164 of the HRchat podcast, Bill Banham talks with Guy Ellis, Director at Courageous Workplaces Limited, a professional services company that provides interim management, consultancy and development services. Listen to the podcast here. Guy is a skilled presenter and facilitator. He regularly runs public workshops on master-class HR and Compliance topics. He has […]

HRchat Interview with Robyn Hannah: Employee Communications

employee communications

In HRchat #139, we are joined by Robyn Hannah, Senior Director of Global Communications at Dynamic Signal. Robyn shares insights into ways organizations can better connect with their employees. Listen to the HRchat interview with Robyn to learn: Why is employee communications and engagement so important for businesses? What’s the state of employee communication and […]