Selecting the Right Employee Engagement Solution

Over the last few years, there has been a transformation towards a more employee-centric management methodology. However, while workplaces are getting better and HR is working hard to create more unique perks, better compensation plans, and more opportunities for employees – employee engagement is still an area where companies are struggling. What’s Causing Low Employee Engagement? […]

Dare To Be Different: Embrace the HR Data

How many of us got into Human Resources because someone told us we’re a “people person?” Chances are that you have heard this many times. Of course… You’re fair. Cautious. An outstanding communicator and negotiator. You believe in ethics, and hope to do what’s best for both employees and management. In short, you give HR […]

Launch a Corporate Wellness Program with Creative Low Cost Ideas

Everyone’s talking about improving the health and wellness of their employees. Sure, it makes sense from the standpoint of producing greater engagement and reducing the costs of healthcare premiums through preventative wellness support. Corporate Wellness is Worth the Investment As of 2015, the RAND Corporation reports that an estimated $6 billion is spent per year […]