AI and HR

Al Kingsley Talks Technology, Education, and Workplace Culture

In the latest HRchat episode we look at the evolving dynamics of workplace culture, the importance of empowering employees, and why more autonomy and trust from leaders can lead to higher levels of employee performance.

My guest this time is Al Kingsley, a well-known EdTech expert and business leader. Al has a big social following, has written 3 books around Ed Tech and Governance, leads the NetSupport Group, and is a MAT Chair.  He will also be a speaker at the Milton Keynes AI Summit in October.

Listen to the HRchat Podcast

Questions for Al include:

  • What are the main characteristics/qualities of an effective leader?
  • Let’s discuss your passion for raising awareness of alternative provision options. You are connected with Alex Hughes, Chair of Inspire 2 Ignite. How did you meet and what is it about Inspire 2 Ignite you like?
  • NetSupport’s solutions have secured over 300 industry awards and include IT Asset Management, Remote Control, Classroom Management & Orchestration, Notification, eSafety, Service desk and assessment software. Tell us more.
  • You’re Chair of the Business Board at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, a supporter of the Peterborough AI Summit. Tell us about the Combined Authority


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