Why Diversity and Inclusion is Even More Important During The Pandemic

diversity and inclusion

The pandemic has elevated and underlined different disparities and inequalities. Employers are remaining cognizant of the many work-life challenges faced by their employees, particularly considering the intersections of race, gender, class, and wealth. There remains a need now to source global talent and find diverse candidates who bring their unique lived experiences and working approaches to the table.

What to Look for in an API Developer Portal

If you are looking to become a software developer or are already one, chances are that you have come across a developer or an API portal. These two are one and the same thing and have a very important function – to offer information about the APIs associated with the portal for developers to find it easy to use the APIs. The developer portal is very important in the life of a software developer who works with APIs when building applications.

HRchat Interview with Michael Boyce: How Reference Checks Changed

Reference Checks

In HRchat 323, we considering the role of background checks when sourcing top talent. Listen too, as we explore how Covid and WFH placed new emphasis on the need to find ways to check candidates without access to traditional in-person screening methods. My guest this time is Michael Boyce, Director of Business Growth & Marketing at Mintz Global Screening.

Online Tools Every HR Team Needs

Online Tools Every HR Team Needs

If you work in HR, your daily duties can be made much simpler thanks to the wealth of wonderful online tools that are available right now. Here is a breakdown of the most important assets that should be on your checklist.