The Cost of Absenteeism and Presenteeism to Your Bottom Line

What does absenteeism cost a company? Well… and presenteeism? As a manager, director, or executive, you’ve likely run into the issues of presenteeism and absenteeism in the workplace. Why? Because they’re both prevalent in the working world, no matter what size company or team we’re talking about. Apart from addressing the root causes of why […]

Understanding Generation Z in the Workplace

Generation Z

Why We Need to Stop Talking at Generation Z and Starting Listening In about the year 1450, clergyman John Mirk coined the phrase that ‘children should be seen and not heard’. It’s a stretch to call the GenZers coming into the workforce ‘children’ but there’s still an echo in the modern workplace. Look at most […]

HRchat Interview with Andy Spence: Blockchain and HR

In HRchat 205 Andrew Spence, shares his thoughts on an increasingly decentralized workforce and how it will impact organizations and HR departments. “As work unbundles” explains Andy, “it will be reconstituted into new forms and also refresh some older ones (that) we are more familiar with.” 

Top 7 Ways for New Managers to Improve Team Performance

Workplace Collaboration

How to Improve Team Performance Becoming a manager means a lot of responsibility. Not only are you responsible for your own decisions and your own performance, but you’re also responsible for the members of your team. Your style of management and your actions reflect on their work. On the one hand, it means that their […]