Reviewing the annual review…with a few suggestions

Annual reviews are most kindly characterized as “a necessary evil” or “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” It is quite difficult to find a champion of the practice, and it does make a grand target for the slings and arrows of articles such as this. However, perhaps within these volleys of criticism, there are some practical insights for extracting a measure of value from the review process.

Measure your social media

In management, if it can’t be measured it can’t be managed. The same goes for your business’s involvement in social media. Our social media guru Julia Rosien will tell you how to measure and grow your online presence. I’m often asked how I measure social media for business, which is a fair question. But it’s […] – career profiles

Articles in this section provide information on the skills necessary to perform jobs, educational requirements and available training in the city, salary information and links for further research. We also feature interviews with people in specific professions. Some of the articles in this section provide career inspiration by offering several career suggestions based on a […]

Job fairs around Toronto in the fall

There’s a glut of job and education fairs coming up this fall. Here’s a rundown of what’s going on in the city over the next six weeks. Bilingual Job Fair Canada – Pre-registration is required. Sept. 23, noon to 5 p.m. Fairmont Royal York, 100 Front St. W. I Health Care Career Fair Sept. 26, 10 […]

Hiring and the limitations of human perception

Our minds are incredible things; constantly examining, assessing, sorting inputs and data to make decisions at an incredible pace. These quick judgements are often correct and valuable, but not always. Sometimes though, these snap judgements are very wrong, due to what psychologists call “fundamental attribution errors”.