We’ve all experienced the terror of the job interview. The sweaty palms, the pounding heart, the paralyzing fear! But have you stopped to think about what it’s like from the other side of the desk (or phone, or Skype)?

The hiring manager is just as nervous as you are. His or her job often depends on finding the right candidate. These brave men and women have their own set of horror stories to tell about the characters and creatures that occasionally lurch their way into the interview.

Beware that you don’t make any of these mistakes!

The Hands of Hell!

“While in the restroom washing my hands I noticed someone walk out of the bathroom stall without washing his hands, ‘Gross,’ I thought. I went back to my office and the receptionist rang to inform me my 1:30 appointment was in the lobby. Low and behold my 1:30 was the person from the bathroom. I met the candidate at the front and sure enough he reached out to shake my hand. I told him that I had arthritis, so I was unable to shake his hand.” – Chris Lawson, CEO, Eli Daniel Group.

Ew! Whether or not the hiring manager may be watching, please just wash your hands.

Trash Talking Frankentramp!

continue reading… Workopolis

by Elizabeth Bromstein

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