Jumping on the “Employee Engagement” Bandwagon: Part 1

Last Friday, I had the opportunity to lead a session at #HRU’s first Chicago conference focused on Employee Engagement.  (For upcoming dates in other U.S. cities, check them out here at: http://www.globalhru.com) Employee Engagement is the latest “buzz” phrase in HR with so many companies now realizing that they have to step up and do something […]

Before You Assume They Are A Scrooge…

We are coming up now on two of the biggest, family-orientated holidays of the year: Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Yes, the stores already started reminding us back as early as August and September, but after Halloween passes is when it really sets in.  For some, it generates feelings of excitement and anticipation, of wanting to get […]

Bring Back The Pink Slips!

Back in the days of the Personnel Department, the “pink slip” was a notice included with the employee’s paycheck notifying them that their employment had ended, either by termination or layoff.  No one knows when this practice came into being, or how it was even labeled with the color pink.  Even Peter Liebhold, a curator […]