#HRchat Podcast

As we enter a new year, ready to launch lots more awesome audio, visual and written HR-related content, we thought it was an apt moment to take stock of the most popular HRchat podcast episodes so far.

In order of most listens and downloads, the most popular HRchat Show episodes to date are:

  1. HRchat #15: DisruptHR Toronto and the Evolution of Talent Acquisition w/ Kathleen Teixeira
  2. HRchat #28: The Human Side of Data and Improving Human Capital Processes w/ Michael M. Moon, PhD
  3. HRchat #30: Community, HR-Marketing Mix, and Open Access to Information w/ Lars Schmidt
  4. HRchat #12: Leveraging the Power of Text Messaging for Recruitment w/ Erik Kostelnik
  5. HRchat #13: Leadership as a Mindset w/ Joe Britto
  6. HRchat #18: DisruptHR Toronto, Mindfulness & Well-being w/ Jason Gotwalt
  7. HRchat #33: Hiring and Promoting The ‘Right’ Candidates w/ Jon Edgar
  8. HRchat #26: Community Building, Thought Leadership and Disrupting The World of Work w/ Jennifer McClure
  9. HRchat #34: innovatework Toronto: Preview w/ Rob Catalano and Bill Banham
  10. HRchat #4: The Talent Board, Reach-West and Work-Life Balance w/ guest Kevin Grossman

Check out all the episodes here.