Why Choose Crossboarding for Your Organization?

Everyone knows how crucial onboarding is to set up a new hire for success. It takes time, it takes money. It’s risky and feels like a bit of a gamble. After all, you don’t really know if the new hire is right for the job.

Is there an alternative? Yes. Enter crossboarding.

Crossboarding is about leveraging the company’s existing resources to perform tasks that arise in the company instead of searching for new employees.

Onboarding, a process we’re all familiar with, has its hidden costs: according to Bersin by Deloitte, the average cost per new worker is about $4,000. It’s not just about teaching the new hire how things are done. You first have to source talent, scan resumes, and make sure at least a few survive the job interview process.

Benefits of Crossboarding for an Organization

As somebody who is dealing with your company’s workers, you should have your ear to the ground to be able to timely recognize a top performing worker, give them more responsibility so that they can make a difference in your company. According to data, top performing workers are 400% more productive than average ones.

But why is crossboarding worth the effort, though?


Reducing costs is something small and midsize businesses (SMBs) care about the most simply because they cannot afford to splurge money here and there.  

Crossboarding empowers organizations to assign an existing employee, who has the right talent and skills, a new role within the company.  

As a result, the organization does not have to spend its precious resources on the recruitment process, new employee onboarding and later teaching them everything from scratch.

We know that before an employee can start performing to the best of their ability, it may take as long as 1-2 years.

Employee Motivation

Crossboarding gives the employee the opportunity to learn new skills and feel proud that they have been recognized and given more responsibility within an organization.

Ultimately, this is going to result in higher job satisfaction and loyalty, which managers care a lot about.

Higher Impact

Through crossboarding, you can empower your workers to develop professionally as well as reassure them that they can advance their careers in your organization. As a result, they will allow for much better employee retention.

Having more responsibilities and having learned new skills, the employee can make a more significant impact on the organization thus benefiting to its growth and success.

Bigger Picture

Chances are your organization has certain values, beliefs, and ultimate goals, which your workers are keenly aware of. Because you spent your time and effort communicating those across.

Unlike hiring somebody new, who is clueless about these things, you can assign an existing person a new role, and they will already know the ropes.

They will have a bigger picture being aware of the company’s vision, mission, goals, and values.

Key Takeaway

Crossboarding is something companies should start leveraging. It is beneficial both for the organization and the employee empowering them to work in synergy and deliver the best results.



Max Woolf is a writer. He is passionate about helping people land their dream jobs through the expert career industry coverage. In this spare time, Max enjoys biking and traveling to European countries.
Email: [email protected]