There comes a time in every teenager’s life when it’s time to decide: do what you love or do what is guaranteed to get you a job. And then there are some lucky ones who don’t have to make this choice because they will do what they love and will get a job because of the type of degree they end up getting.

In the video Students Looking for Jobs Should Consider Nursing, Engineering, The Globe and Mail columnist Rob Carrick talks to Alex Usher, president of Higher Education Strategy Associates, about such decisions.

The two fields where jobs are a shoo-in are health and engineering. Nursing, specifically, Usher says, will result in a job within six months of graduating; it’s a 100 per cent return.

Usher says that things are “tricky” when it comes to finding work in the social science, biological sciences or humanities fields. Jobs are harder to come by. He says that such degrees are never that risky when students treat them as just a step to further studies or to eventually be able to find jobs in law or finance if they continue with their education and get a postgrad degree in those fields.

Over here at, we’re a bit more optimistic (or resourceful, if you prefer). Check out our A Field With a Future article where we list jobs in social sciences such as geriatric social worker. Also, check out our Career Prophesies article for some more ideas on what might get you a paycheque once you’re done school. And allow us to take you on a little travel-in-time trip with our Brace Yourself For the Future World of Work to see how the work environment might change in general.




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