Data Security

Data Security and Ways HR Can Mitigate Risks

Data integration and the future of the cloud is a critical cybersecurity conversation HR and leaders need to have. According to Gartner, by 2024, 30% of digital businesses will mandate DNA storage trials, addressing the exponential growth of data poised to overwhelm existing storage technology. People are collecting exponential amounts of data, significantly more than ever collected before.

With an increase in security perimeters transitioning to a borderless enterprise model, the security conversation must be centered on data ingestion integrating fully with the cloud. Cloud-first networks and the role of security in a hybrid, multi-cloud world show we have a moment to take the current tech conversation beyond traditional cybersecurity strategies.

So what do managers and HR pros need to know about corporate data security? Listen to HRchat episode 278 to find out!

Listen to HRchat Podcast

My guest is Wesley Mullins, CIO & CISO at deepwatch, a company that delivers managed security services by extending customers’ cybersecurity teams. Wesley is responsible for Security, Risk & Compliance across deepwatch, as well as back-office systems and all customer-facing platforms used to deliver their service.

HRchat episode 278 questions include:

  • The security landscape changes rapidly. Hackers are getting smarter. What are some of the biggest data security risks to companies?
  • Where does HR fit in? What questions can HR ask of their security provider to best understand how to future-proof their sensitive information?
  • The weakest link in your security defenses could be well-meaning coworkers. Why is cybersecurity training for employees mission-critical in protecting your business?
  • The deepwatch team claims to be “changing the way managed security services are delivered”. What do you mean by that and how does it work?

More About Wesley Mullins

Wesley has been in IT for nearly 20 years; starting out as a developer, moving into networking, and eventually landing in cyber 15 years ago. Before joining deepwatch he was the VP of Global Cyber at Nielsen and prior to that held various roles at PwC, & TECO Energy.



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