What Makes For an Awesome CHRO?
In HRchat episode 337, I talk with John Boudreau, former Research Director for USC’s Center for Effective Organizations, Professor of Management and Organization at the Marshall School of Business, and co-author of Reinventing Jobs: A 4-Step Approach for Applying Automation to Work.
His large-scale studies and focused field research address the future of the global Human Resources profession, HR measurement and analytics, decision-based HR, executive mobility, HR information systems, and organizational staffing and development. John has published more than 50 books and articles and his research has been featured in Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, and Business Week.
Questions Include
- What do you think makes for a great CHRO in today’s digital world?
- You wrote an interesting article called Why More Executives Should Consider Becoming a CHRO“. With more possibilities than ever for execs to exit corporate life and get ‘gig work’ with global clients, why should execs in larger organizations stay in the system and aspire to the role of CHRO?
- What are the divisions of responsibilities between CHROs and CHROs and Chief People Officers? For those listening and keen to explore the data v people routes into senior HR leadership, what are the differences in focus and duties?