UNLEASH World 2023

Illuminating the Future of AI and HR Technology in the City of Light

Unleash World 2023 was a big success! Attendees heard from some of the leading thinkers in the HR and Tech space and exhibitors got a chance to showcase their new technologies to a senior HR audience.

The conference commenced with the energy and insights of awesome speakers like Josh Bersin, setting a tone of anticipation and excitement. The pervasive theme of AI, aptly referred to as “Absolutely Insane,” dominated conversations, reflecting the industry’s focus on harnessing its potential. Cornerstone, a key player in this arena, emphasized the intentional use of AI to expand skills, recommend learning paths, and enhance job opportunities for employees.

The RIse of Skills-Based Organizations

A resounding theme that echoed through the halls of Unleash World 2023 was the rise of skills-based organizations. Experts like Josh Bersin and Salim Ismail showed possible paths forward, emphasizing the role of skills in shaping the future workforce. The potential, backed by innovative technologies on show, was evident – talent retention could soar by up to 31 times. Yet, a mere 7% of organizations have fully embraced this transformative model, underscoring the need for collective guidance in this journey toward inclusivity and dynamic work allocation.

AI Integration

The focus on Artificial Intelligence shifted towards personalized learning, tailored to individual and organizational needs. However, ethical AI implementation remained a crucial concern, emphasizing the need for responsible use. The fundamental questions were around convincing leaders to balance technological advancement with employee trust and ethical considerations.

Building Partnerships

Collaboration across HR, learning, recruitment, and operations are key to constructing impactful, skill-centric organizations. The emphasis at the event was placed on investing in technologies that seamlessly integrate not only ensures present efficacy but also future-proofs organizations, enabling them to adapt to emerging solutions in the ever-changing landscape.

Embracing Change

In the modern workforce, HR and L&D professionals find themselves at the forefront of innovation. Unleash World 2023 underscored the need for continuous learning, where skills serve as catalysts for adaptation.

HR and L&D are recognized as essential partners for CEOs, shaping the future of work. The event illuminated boundless potential for innovation and collaboration, reaffirming the need for organizations to invest in their people through continuous learning, ensuring their relevance in the ever-evolving modern workforce landscape.


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