How to make your pre-employment screening super effective

Getting a Job in HR

Recruiting new people to join your company comes with many responsibilities and factors of which a hiring professional should be aware. It is necessary to get to know the individual as completely as you can before hiring him/her which is why pre-employment screening is a must. An employer’s viability depends on the employee’s quality and reliability. […]

Relevance, not survivorship

Own your role today  Take a good look at any online HR discussion forum and chances are you see the same issues being discussed. Jane has body odour issues – how should I address it effectively yet gently? How can I drive more engagement in my high-potential employees? How do I better manage change in […]

Learning and Doing

proactive learning

A Proactive Plan for Growth and Success  Learning cannot take place in a vacuum, which is one of the reasons transitioning from school to the workplace is difficult. There are things you can teach which make sense in theory. However, as those familiar with the knowing/doing gap are aware – that which you know is […]

The Power of A Mentor

Understanding how mentoring provides value Old style leadership methods simply do not work as effectively as they have in the past. If we agree that we need to respect each person for what they bring and that you need to provide each person with a work environment in which they can grow in, both personally […]