How Leaders and HR Pros Can Analyze and Reward High Performers
The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the transformation of the workplace and the role that HR plays in it. The HR department has had to become more strategic since the onset of the pandemic and plays an important role in shaping the New Normal.
This comes with a different mindset, new skills, processes, and models. But at the end of the day, HR is still all about the human factor. That’s why says today’s guest, you should always keep investing in talent.
My guest this time is Marc-André Nataf, CEO, Cegid North America, a platform designed to help companies better manage candidates, recruiting, training, performance, compensation, career development, and succession.
Questions For Marc-André Nataf Include:
- Cegid recently acquired Talentsoft. What does that mean for the capabilities, goals and market strategy of Cegid in 2022/23?
- Can you talk about factors behind so many employees wanting to leave their jobs to give more meaning to their work lives?
- You take a pragmatic approach in your recent article called Talent War: It’s Not All About Recruitment. How can leaders and HR departments best analyze and differentiate high performers/high potentials from those that are not adding to the bottom line?
- Cegid recently released its HR Trends For 2022 report, In it, it says “While we can’t simply ‘go back’ to a time before the pandemic, it’s time to look back to move forward. What we can do is make the decision to build again, on strong foundations … That’s why our HR Trends for 2022 are based around three words, all starting with the prefix ‘re’ … Realign, Reconnect, Redeploy.” What can companies do to realign, reconnect, and redeploy in a post-pandemic environment post-pandemic?
- The HR Trends For 2022 report concludes by stating “HR jobs are …going to change! In the near future, HR’s work will consist of developing a holistic view of employee well-being.” As we look to wrap up, can you summarize how the pandemic accelerated the change to the HR function?