Shift work today is even more important than it has been in the past. Many workers must juggle their lives at home with work, and work with recreation. The number one value that people enjoy when working shifts is the fact that they have flexibility within their jobs. It makes it easier for them to plan activities outside of work.
When shift workers across 20 countries were asked a series of questions, some surprising results came up. Ninety percent of the workers felt like they helped the company that they were working for to succeed. Feeling useful makes people happy and more content within their jobs. It improves retention and attendance and makes life easier for managers and owners.
Ninety-six percent felt like there were specific things within their jobs that they enjoyed. Enjoyment makes for a happier work environment and makes employees more productive.
The rating of the importance of their jobs was encouraging. Seventy-eight percent of hospital workers felt like their jobs were needed by society. Sixty-three percent of retail workers and sixty-one percent of hospitality workers went into work knowing that their place of employment made a difference.
Unfortunately, only thirty-six percent thought that they had the ability to move up into a better-paying job. Fifty-eight percent of hospitality workers felt like their chance of moving up in the company had decreased. Thirty-eight percent of retail workers and thirty-six percent of hospital workers all felt the same.
Seventy-eight percent of respondents felt that their companies implemented new cleaning protocols that were considered a top priority. When it comes to shift work statistics, this one is surprisingly low. Companies across the continents all had to step up with cleaning and sanitizing to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Businesses had to struggle through shutdowns and shortages, so it is not a shock that eighty percent of the companies polled had to change their scheduling habits. Shortened hours and less traffic cooked up a scheduling nightmare for managers trying to get everyone hours.
Because of the change in schedules and the uncertainty of the times, sixty-nine percent of all the employees were unsure when it comes to job security. Small and large businesses have had to close their doors, some of them permanently. The facts show that job security only lasts as long as the company can stay profitable.
When it comes to essential workers, all three of these industries should be at the top of the list. The workers did not agree, though. Only half of the people felt like they were essential to the communities that they work in.
The workers felt that four areas needed to be addressed by management and owners. The first was the demand for fair wages. People that were being hired part-time ended up making the same amount of money as workers that had been there for a long period of time.
The second area was that they wanted better transparency when it came to schedules, sixty five percent in fact. Fifty three percent felt like the managers needed to be more upfront with shifts that were available. Some also wanted more flexibility so they could manage their home lives with their work.
Along with that is the third issue, and that was communication. Eighty-two percent stated that this area needed improvement. Communication is key for any business, and the workers felt like it needed improvement.
The final, and maybe most important for some, was that they wanted to be appreciated. Ninety-six percent felt that they deserved more respect than they got. Recognition is a part of training that managers must go through. Many, however, do not take the time to say “thanks”.
In closing, it was found that managers need to work on a few things to make work environments better for employees. Adequate rest periods need to be authorized for physical and mental wellness. Flexible schedules need to be used so the employees can handle both areas of their lives. More use of scheduling programs is needed to make scheduling more effective. And last, but not least, was communication. Managers need to take the time to talk to all their employees and keep them informed.
Authored by Samantha Waites, EMediaBuyers team