Seven Points of Satisfaction in buying HR Tech is a new webcast series based on a popular series written by William Tincup and Jeremy Ames and published exclusively on The HR Gazette.

Jeremy and Dave discuss important topics such as:

  • What’s the importance of Support relative to other buying factors?
  • Why is distinguishing between fixes and enhancements so vital?
  • How do some vendors charge for Support?
  • How are the Support teams structured and why does that matter?
  • How are upgrades/updates managed by the vendor?

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7 Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Technology. E6: Support with Dave Weisbeck, Visier

In this episode, Jeremy Ames talks with Dave Weisbeck about the Support phase.

Dave Weisbeck has been a leader in the field of business intelligence, reporting and analytics for nearly 20 years. His background includes key leadership roles in designing and delivering Crystal Reports, Business Objects, and related solutions.

The past five years have seen him and his team at Visier build one of the most innovative solutions in the space, one that helps aggregate, visualize, and analyze data from HR, Finance, and other disparate systems. It also helps facilitate the distribution of insights so leaders and HR business partners thoughout an organization can make more informed, wiser decisions. In this discussion, Dave and Al explore how people analytics is emerging, and how many roadblocks of the past are now being removed through technology innovation. This means leaders have little reason to feel the anguish and uncertainty of guesswork. They can, and arguably need to, move to a place where they’re making people-related decisions based on data-based insights.

Check out more episodes here.

Join HR tech expert Jeremy Ames as he guides you through the buying lifecycle and seven all-important areas of satisfaction when you’re purchasing HR technologies

Each episode in the series addresses one of the steps in the purchasing process that is a key determinant of buyer satisfaction:

  • Product selection
  • Sales process
  • Negotiation
  • Implementation
  • Training
  • Adoption
  • Support

About Jeremy Ames

Jeremy Ames is a founder of Hive Tech HR, a consulting company based in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. He works with clients to find, implement, and enhance their HR Technology. As a 20-year veteran of IT implementation projects, Jeremy has sat on the Board of IHRIM and HR Management and Technology Expertise panel of the Society for Human Resource Management.

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The series, as originally published on TechTarget and, can be found here: