Vegan-Friendly Snacks to Fuel Your Work Week
It is vital that your employees are happy, healthy and focused. Providing the right snacks can fuel your colleagues with the best nutrients and minerals to achieve and succeed.
Here are 10 super-healthy vegan-friendly office snack options.
1. Flavored Nuts
When you’re feeling a little sluggish or low on energy in the office consider snacking on options such as Joe’s thai chili lime cashews or sesame cashews for more energy than chips would give you. The great benefit of flavored nuts is that you can mix them into your other office snacks like oatmeal, popcorn, or on a tasty salad.
2. Kale or Lettuce
Got an office fridge? Why not consider buying a bag of lettuce and veggies to keep ypou fueled through teh working week? Healthy, delicious and cost-effective. Yum!
3. Frozen Fruits
Like I said above, I most often use the frozen fruit I keep in our office freezer for my oatmeal, but I also like to eat it plain sometimes.
In addition to being a great ingredient to add to snacks like oatmal, frozen fruits can be a wonderful stand-alone healthy snack to have in the workplace. If you are lucky enough to have an office blender, you can also store frozen bananas and berries and create delicious smoothies. Consider too, microwaving some frozen fruits and adding to plain coconut milk yogurt.
4. Nutritional Yeast and Spices
Nutritional yeast is a superfood that tastes like parmesan cheese. It’s an awesome source of B12 and fiber, and it tastes awesome sprinkled on sprinkled on salad, beans, popcorn… you name it. If you have room, keep some cinnamon, hot flakes, and pepper at the office. The cinnamon is good for you in your coffee or oatmeal, and the hot flakes and pepper will add bite to your quesadillas and salads.
5. Dark Chocolate
Low sugar, 80% cacao and up Choc bars like Lindt’s 90% cocoa bar are super vegan-friendly and tasty office snack options. Tasty and satisfies a sweet tooth!
Nutrition is one of the single most important, yet undervalued, aspects of workplace productivity and employee engagement. A large number of corporate wellness programs focus on fitness, but hardly touch on nutrition education or providing healthy food choices in the office.
In this episode of the HRchat show, host Bill Banham speaks with Ree Dolnick, President at Jeca Energy Cookies and Bars. Ree provides insights into the scientific, cultural and financial reasons why more organizations show be investing workplace nutrition education and the benefits of offering healthy food choices at the office. Listen to this episode to get Ree’s take on why and how HR and leaders can develop a healthy-body, healthy-mind work culture.
6. Sprouted Bread
Check out options like Ezekiel sprouted whole grain breads; instead of being made with only wheat and flour, they have a bunch of other healthy ingredients and no flour, which means it is far easier for your body to process.
7. Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds, have been a favouite of Indians for 100s of years as a breath freshener (always handy in the office!). They help you digest, they taste like licorice, and they make a great palate cleanser after a meal.
8. Vegan Caesar Dressing
Vegan Caesar is just like Caesar, except because it’s vegan, it’s not as fattening and will not leave you feeling heavy. If you have an office fridge give it a go!
9. Bean Dip
Bean dip is perfect for dipping veggies in, and is a high-protein snack that helps satisfy a salty craving. Find a vegan bean dip, and keep it in the office fridge.
10. Snap Peas
Fresh sugar snap peas are delicious and super high in vitamins, fiber, and protein. They are also really sweet. Healthy and satisfies your need for salt (without all that sodium).
About the Author
Ree Dolnick is President at Jeca Energy Cookies and Bars. With so many different nutrition philosophies out there, it’s hard to figure out if you’re eating right or not. The Jeca team believes it’s possible to be healthy without going to extremes. It comes down to choosing whole foods whenever possible, avoiding artificial ingredients, and enjoying everything in moderation, including indulgences. Learn more about Ree and Jeca here.