Nutrition is one of the single most important, yet undervalued, aspects of workplace productivity and employee engagement. A large number of corporate wellness programs focus on fitness, but hardly touch on nutrition education or providing healthy food choices in the office.
In this episode of the HRchat show, host Bill Banham speaks with Ree Dolnick, President at Jeca Energy Cookies and Bars. Ree provides insights into the scientific, cultural and financial reasons why more organizations should be investing in workplace nutrition education and the benefits of offering healthy food choices at the office. Listen to this episode to get Ree’s take on why and how HR and leaders can develop a healthy-body, healthy-mind work culture.
About Our HRchat Guest
Ree Dolnick is President at Jeca Energy Cookies and Bars. With so many different nutrition philosophies out there, it’s hard to figure out if you’re eating right or not. The Jeca team believes it’s possible to be healthy without going to extremes. It comes down to choosing whole foods whenever possible, avoiding artificial ingredients, and enjoying everything in moderation, including indulgences. Learn more about Ree and Jeca here.