Andrea Herron and Bob Goodwin on HRchat Podcast

In the latest episode of HRchat, I had the pleasure of speaking with Andrea Herron, CHRO at WebMD, and a leader who is deeply committed to improving mental health in the workplace. Andrea has a fascinating career path, spanning from manufacturing to nonprofits to leading HR at WebMD. We dove into her expertise on mental wellness and her impactful work in this space, including her book, There’s an Elephant in Your Office.

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How Mental Health Became a Focus

Andrea shared a personal story that drove her to co-author There’s an Elephant in Your Office. She revealed that her sister had been struggling with anxiety and depression for years, something Andrea didn’t know until her sister’s job was at risk. “I realized that if I didn’t even know what my own sister was going through, I certainly wasn’t aware of what my employees were dealing with,” Andrea told me.

This experience inspired her to take action. She not only helped her sister navigate her challenges at work but also wrote the book to provide a resource for HR professionals, managers, and colleagues to better support employees dealing with mental health issues.

Practical Advice for Supporting Employees

We then discussed some practical tips for HR professionals and managers when it comes to addressing mental wellness in the workplace. Andrea stressed the importance of noticing changes in employees’ behavior. “If someone who’s normally punctual starts missing deadlines or acting out of character, it’s a good time to check in,” she explained. However, she also noted that it’s crucial to approach the conversation by sticking to observable workplace behaviors rather than jumping to conclusions about someone’s mental health.

For managers, Andrea emphasized the need to handle these conversations directly rather than passing the responsibility to HR. As she put it, “Managers need to build trust with their teams, and that starts by showing care and concern when something seems off.”

The State of Mental Health in Today’s Workplace

Andrea and I also touched on the broader issue of mental health in the workplace today. According to Mental Health America, one in five U.S. adults experiences a mental health disorder each year, and many of these individuals are in the workforce. Andrea pointed out that mental health issues are on the rise, especially after the pandemic, making it more important than ever for organizations to prioritize mental wellness.

Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace

One of the key takeaways from our conversation was the importance of creating a psychologically safe environmentAndrea mentioned that when leaders openly discuss mental health, employees are more likely to feel comfortable seeking help. “It’s not about oversharing personal details,” she said, “but about normalizing the conversation around mental wellness.”

Tools for the Workplace

Andrea offered several tools and resources that companies can use to support mental health. One that stood out to me was the idea of a “feelings wheel,” which helps employees identify and articulate their emotions more clearly. She also highlighted the value of resilience practices, such as starting meetings with a quick meditation or encouraging employees to take short “beauty breaks” to reset their day.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for practical ways to address mental wellness in your workplace, this episode with Andrea Herron is a must-listen. Her expertise on creating a supportive environment for employees, along with actionable strategies for managers, is invaluable in today’s workplace.

You can also check out Andrea’s book There’s an Elephant in Your Office for more insights on mental health at work. Listen to the full episode of HRchat to hear more from Andrea Herron, and don’t forget to subscribe to her podcast, The HR Scoop, for more discussions on employee wellness and HR best practices.


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