Seven Points of Satisfaction in buying HR Tech is a new webcast series based on a popular series written by William Tincup and Jeremy Ames and published exclusively on The HR Gazette.
Jeremy and Mark discuss important topics such as:
- Can buyers “love” new software?
- How do you know if they don’t?
- What’s the cost of poor adoption?
- Who owns adoption (vendor, company, consultant)?
- Do vendors tend to supply any adoption metrics?
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[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’7 Points Sign Up’][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]7 Points of Satisfaction in Buying HR Technology. E7: Adoption with Mark Barlow, AppLearn
In this episode, Jeremy Ames talks with AppLearn CEO, Mark Barlow about the adoption phase.
Mark founded the company based on the premise that usage matters and that there was a better way to deliver application training and employee communications. Mark has worked in the field of HR software since 2001 when he founded Qikker Solutions Ltd to help HR Departments recruit, retain and develop their talent through web-based technology.
Under Mark’s guidance Qikker became a performance and talent management solution provider and systems integrator working with major talent vendors to deliver solutions to blue chip companies globally.
Prior to founding Qikker, Mark was the Managing Director of Amey IT Services and founder of IT Counsel plc. Mark is also a founder partner of Harvest Enterprise which became Hasgrove plc (HGV), a marketing solutions group, that floated on the Alternative Investment Market on the 14th November 2006.
Join HR tech expert Jeremy Ames as he guides you through the buying lifecycle and seven all-important areas of satisfaction when you’re purchasing HR technologies
Each episode in the series addresses one of the steps in the purchasing process that is a key determinant of buyer satisfaction:
- Product selection
- Sales process
- Negotiation
- Implementation
- Training
- Adoption
- Support
About Jeremy Ames
Jeremy Ames is a founder of Hive Tech HR, a consulting company based in Hopkinton, Massachusetts. He works with clients to find, implement, and enhance their HR Technology. As a 20-year veteran of IT implementation projects, Jeremy has sat on the Board of IHRIM and HR Management and Technology Expertise panel of the Society for Human Resource Management.
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The series, as originally published on TechTarget and, can be found here: