The team at The HR Gazette have once again crawled HR cyberspace to find you 20 publications and blogs which are creating killer content relating to HR, Talent, Tech and Leadership.
Without further ado, and in no particular order, here’s our pick 20 HR-related sites to check out in 2017.
20 Top HR Magazines and Blogs
One of the largest and most trusted sources of information for talent management professionals, TLNT is a business information site focused on talent. The fastest growing website in the HR and talent management space, TLNT is about The Business of HR, with news, trends, insights and analysis from the world of HR & talent management. @TLNT_com
Human Resources Today
This shiny new Human Resources education company, officially launched this month, is dedicated to improving HR departments everywhere through lots of articles, webinars, podcasts, infographics and much more. The motto of the new company is ‘Learn Together’.
Glassdoor is a free jobs and career community that offers the world an inside look at jobs and companies. We love this site! Its sooo unique!!! What sets it apart is their “employee generated content” – anonymous salaries, company reviews, interview questions, and more – all posted by employees, job seekers, and sometimes the companies themselves. @Glassdoor
Undercover Recruiter
Undercover Recruiter covers all topics – from recruitment to the job search as well as necessary life skills and career management, all written by industry experts and employees of some of the world’s biggest companies. Learn something new, read business insights or join our thriving community – the possibilities are endless! @UndercoverRec
In addition to being a regular writer at The HR Gazette, Rob Catalano and his WorkTango team are creating lots of helpful info about employee feedback, engagement, and performance. @WorkingTechCo
CPSA Knowledge Centre
The CPSA is a sales-focused association which creates lots of content helpful for those HR, Talent and Management pros who work with sales teams. In addition to their regular articles, the non-profit has recently released a bunch of cool podcast series looking at topics such as recruitment and talent, leadership and business strategy. @CPSA
Talent Culture’s vibrant online community is driven by thousands of professionals around the globe who share three core characteristics: passion for innovation, commitment to collaboration and the desire to advance the “world of work.” Join Meghan Biro and the gang for #WorkTrends every Wed 1pm ET. @TalentCulture
HR Open Source
HROS, launched by Lar Schmidt, is a knowledge sharing community bringing open source learning approaches to the global field of HR and recruiting.
The site’s intention is to transform the field of HR to become more impactful by democratizing access to progressive and innovative practices. Simply put, to make it easier for practitioners to access the peers, knowledge, and resources they need to thrive. At zero cost to them. @HROpenSource
Evil HR Lady looks at what’s going on behind the scenes in HR. So much of what is done with people seems to make no sense to the rest of the company, so the blog focuses on demystifying HR departments. @RealEvilHRLady
It is no secret that one of our founding Publishers – Bill Banham – was previously Editor at the award-winning news and opinion led title and that we have a soft spot for the London-based team. Under the stewardship of Paul Gray, HRreview continues to grow in readership and reputation. @HRreview
Simply Hired
This site provides job seekers a means to search an index of over 8 million jobs listings form across the web. The site also provides job search advice, hiring company information, economical trends, and a professional discussion forum. @SimplyHired
WorkingTech is a new blog and podcast which talks about tech in the working world around us. Hosted by Kevin W. Grossman and Bill Banham, WorkingTech investigates how inextricably linked technology is to our worlds of work, that symbiotic relationship between humans, technology, and business. The show is all about how we recruit, hire, develop and manage each other today, and how technology enables us to work smarter, faster and better.
Employee Engagement Zone
The Engagement Zone is a collection of interviews and case studies from Matt Manners and his team at the EE Awards. @ee_awards
Ask a Manager
Wondering what your manager is thinking when you ask for a raise or how to deal with that coworker who won’t stop talking to you? Check with Ask a Manager, who functions as the Dear Abby of the workplace, answering readers’ questions daily on career, job search, and management issues. @askamanager
Fortune Management and Career Blog
With great contributors at its helm, Fortune’s management and career blog offers readers content on managing employees, dealing with employers, workplace issues and flexibility, career tips and much more. @CNNMoney
Mashable Jobs
Since its launch four years ago, the Mashable Job Board has become a top destination for more than 3,000 employers. Job seekers from all over the world can browse positions of all types in hundreds of industries.
Recruiter.com helps readers reach the right people as well as find a better job. This in conjunction with connecting job seekers with their next hire. It also allows the reader to meet the people behind the industry’s top products and services. @RecruiterDotCom
Fins.com is a WSJ partner that allows job seekers of all levels to search for top positions in Finance, Technology, Sales and Marketing. In addition, the site is consistently posting the latest industry career news and advice from top job search experts. @FINSider
HR pros and employees use Careers.Org to investigate more than 150,000 pages about online degrees and universities, jobs and occupations, and entrepreneurial opportunities from the #1 site for career resources in the United States, Canada and across the world. @CareersOrg
ERE.net is a leading blog that serves the recruiting community discussing the topics that headhunters actively wish to explore. The writers consist of some of the most passionate individuals within the staffing and HR industry. @ERE_net
Think we missed some key HR blogs and publications? Why not get in touch and tell us all about them?