job interview

The job interview process is something that is a normal step in one’s career. Whether it’s the first one or not, many people get nervous when it comes to preparation. They do not know what to expect. However, job interviews are simply employers getting to know the candidate and are not something that should cause worry at all.


General Expectations

While the process can vary depending on the company itself, there are a few things that one can expect at any given job interview. The first of which being the focus on the applying party. The job interview process is done to ensure that the member is a good fit for the position. It is expected that the employer will question them a lot about themselves, as to learn the most they can about them in the short amount of time given.

Questions related to previous employment, education, and any employment gaps will arise as well. If there are any issues regarding this area, it is likely the employer will ask about this. Be prepared with an adequate response.

Common Interview Questions

When it comes to specific job interview questions, there are a few that are more common than others. For example, the simple ones like “Why do you want this job,” and “Why should we hire you” definitely will show up. Additionally, they may ask the questions, “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?” This question is interesting because you have to sell yourself while talking about a weakness. In regards to this question, the best way to navigate it is be honest. Give a weakness, but be sure to give more strengths, and ways you can overcome that weakness.

Tips for Preparation

Like anything, there are multiple proactive things that parties can do to make sure they are prepared. To start off, making sure to research the company beforehand is a great idea. This is smart, because it shows the interviewer you are prepared and serious about the job. Knowing various aspects like the companies mission statement can help you craft answers to the questions that will be more than satisfactory.

Another great tip for job interviews is to prepare your own list of questions to ask the employer. In a semi-structured interview, in most cases at the end they will ask, “do you have any questions for me?”You should use this opportunity to ask questions. It is a good idea never to respond “no” to this question, and to have a few, or at least one question prepared to ask back.

Additionally, making sure to show up on time, and look presentable are important when it comes to the hiring process. Again, the dress code for the interview will vary along with company, but it generally is a good idea to wear business-pro, or at least business casual. When you arrive 15-30 minutes early it also shows that the job is important to you.


While the job interview process is an experience that most people share, the anxiety surrounding it does not have to be. Knowing what to expect beforehand, and doing ample preparation can make all the difference. Learn about the company beforehand so you have a good idea of what to expect, and you’ll do just fine.