The Connection Between HR Technology and Business Growth

6 Ways HR Technology Can Contribute to Business Growth The growth of an organization depends a lot on its Human Resource department. This department is held responsible for acquiring and managing resources. You will see HR managers performing a wide range of operations such as interviewing candidates, issuing appointment letters, talent management and retention, payroll […]

How to Work and Prosper in a Post #MeToo World

  The times they are a-changin’. And not a minute too soon. But how should we conduct ourselves in a post #MeToo environment? When I first completed drafting my thoughts for this article, a colleague asked me a basic question: Why are you only addressing males– doesn’t everyone have an obligation to comport themselves appropriately in the workplace?  In […]

Four Ways Blockchain is Going to Rock the HR World

HR and the Blockchain Revolution First off, we need to stop using Blockchain and Bitcoin interchangeably. Things you’ve most likely heard recently: something about a bubble bursting, the cryptocurrency price correction, or how blockchain is only a fad. While some of this buzz has some truth to it, and Bitcoin has undergone a monumental change […]

Workplace Data Security – 5 Things HR Managers Should Know

Data security is important for anyone working in an organization. It is especially important for recruiters who interact with a large number of candidates. They gather lots of information that needs to stay private and confidential during the course of their duties. Any type of security breach can have serious repercussions, not just on the […]