Why You Need to Treat Your Job Advert as a Piece of Content

The Job advert is competing with other digital content that exists out there, to get the attention of content consumers. And taking into consideration the type of content that exists out there, which is the result of meticulous examination and data-driven decision making (when to post, what colors/images to use to attract most users), it’s highly […]

6 Reasons Why You Need an Applicant Tracking System

Did you know that 75% of modern recruiters use an Applicant Tracking System? Here are the 6 keys reasons why every successful recruiter needs an Applicant Tracking System.   Applicant Tracking System: A revolution in recruiting? When first Applicant Tracking Systems appeared 20 years ago, they completely revolutionized recruiting.    HR professionals were finally able […]

Hiring Mistakes You Must Avoid

5 Recruitment Strategies Mistakes Companies Make All Too Often Quality talent acquisition depends a lot upon recruitment strategies devised by companies. With creative strategies in place, you can reach out relevant candidates quickly. It will also result in an efficient and streamlined recruitment process. A single mistake in planning and implementation can cost you a […]