The Evolving Job Profile with Serge Boudreau

When used in the right ways, the job profile is another handy tool in the HR toolbox. Job profiles can provide a good explanation of the components of a job and what you are seeking in an employee when they are posted with your job openings on your recruiting website. In this conversation, Bill Banham and I focus on how we can use job profiles in ways that recognize the changes brought on by a post-pandemic approach to employment.

The Death of Beige Cubicle? Office Of The Future: Collaboration, Clients And Quick Fusion Culture

By Simon Trevarthen Corporations love boxes. Whether is it org. charts with boxes that define and hem in your role, neat role and responsibilities, and worst of all, beige cubicles. Designed in 1964, with the intention of “empowering people,” cubicles are a symptom of all that is wrong with atomized, fragmented work cultures. Chances are, […]

Keeping a Remote Workforce Engaged

Many employees are comfortable working online, using a range of technologies and transmitting their work product electronically. They’re increasingly more comfortable meeting virtually to plan, collaborate, monitor progress, and solve problems. Employers are wise to recognize that the same technologies that enable remote work also enable remote engagement, potentially improving performance, dedication, and job satisfaction.