Talent Metrics For High-Growth SaaS Companies

High-Growth SaaS People Benchmark Report 2022 HR technology company intelliHR, in partnership with MaRS, is seeking your input to formulate a global report on the people and talent insights of high-growth startup SaaS businesses! Why Participate? Discover how other industry leaders are tackling productivity, retention, and DE&I Benchmark your organization against, as well as learn […]

Why HR is Your Most Important Strategic Partner

Conquering 2022 and Beyond: Utilizing the Human Resources Department Over the course of the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to challenge our conventional perception of normal. Overnight, business as usual became anything but – companies were suddenly forced to adapt and reinvent themselves: to intensify their adoption toward digital solutions and transform […]

Five Ways to Fix Security Compliance Fatigue in Your Workplace

Data released by the US-based National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) discovered that nearly two-thirds of typical computer users show signs of security fatigue, which the Institute explains as “a weariness or reluctance to deal with computer security.” If you have noticed your staff becoming sloppy with their security protocol compliance – ignoring software […]

How to Get Paid Faster

Five Effective Ways to Make Businesses Pay Faster Whether you’re a solopreneur or a small business, you likely face many challenges in the average working week. Some of those challenges may relate to daily operations, but many can also involve your financial position. Anyone struggling with late payers and non-payers may wonder if there’s a […]