remote workers

Pros and cons of remote workers

With technology connecting everyone on the go, there is no reason that employers and employees alike should not want to use it for their benefit. One of these is the possibility of remote employment.

If an individual has the required skills and can get the work to his employer in a timely manner without the added hassle of coming to the workplace every day, there is no reason why they should not be hired.

Today there are several major companies that hire remote workers, including American Express, Apple, and IBM.

Below are just a few of the pros and cons of hiring a remote workforce:

The Pros of Remote Workers:

1. Increased Morale

Some naysayers might protest that when workers are removed from an official workplace, they might grow lazy and unorganized. On the contrary, studies have found that when employees avail the option of working from home, they are happier, more efficient, and produce a better output than if they came into work every day.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that not everyone can cope with an office environment, and have genuine reasons for wanting to work remotely. Remote workers have also proved to have a higher level of satisfaction with their home and professional life as a whole. Whatever the case, it is certainly beneficial to both parties.

2. Allows Hiring Of Distant Candidates

This advantage should be obvious; when an employer looks for an employee, they should technically only want the skills and expertise that an applicant brings to the table. However, sometimes star candidates have to be passed over or walk away themselves due to location limitations.

Or it may be that the perfect candidate isn’t even found in the company’s locality. At best, relocation has to be done. The remote hiring system does away with these problems, allowing employers to have a much wider geographic outreach, sometimes even worldwide.

3. Saving On Time And Energy

Since workers are not actually commuting to work every day, the transports costs and energy that the company consumes is significantly cut down. This allows the company to be greener and work more efficiently in the process.

Since remote workers are not wasting time and energy in going to crowded subways or taking their own car, this also saves their personal time and energy, leading to a happier, more productive workforce.

Operational costs are also lowered, with millions of dollars saved in the process. This is because no arrangement of office space or budgeting for maintenance and transport is needed for a remote workforce.

4. Lower Turnover

One of the main problems that employers could face is a high employee turnover rate. Hiring a remote workforce can eliminate many reasons why employees quit their job. The reasons might have nothing to do with the nature of the job itself, as many people quit their jobs because their spouse relocates or they have other family commitments, such as raising a child. In this case, if the employee works remotely, he or she can easily pick up the same tasks in his/her new location.

Even in cases where the location isn’t a problem, some employees simply aren’t happy with the work environment. A home based job gives employees the freedom to create their own schedule, spruce up their work environment, and generally feel more responsible and motivated than if they were forced to work in a cubicle all day. Working at home and fitting in house chores at the same time makes a job less of a sacrifice when it comes to managing a home and family.

The Cons of Remote Workers:

1. Less Personal Motivation

Of course, whether a remote employee is motivated in a home environment depends largely on the individual him/herself. If they are not organized enough, or cannot manage their schedule properly, they may fall back in their assigned tasks. If an employee does this in the office space, they can be immediately put back on track by the managers.

Sometimes, motivation in the form of a few appreciative spoken words can do wonders. For someone working at home, there is little or no such personal communication. This may lead to a consistent lagging that takes its time in being detected and rectified.

2. Dependence Upon Facilities

Working from home is, as most remote workers know, dependent upon electricity and a working Internet connection. Especially in third-world countries, both these facilities are a huge problem. Sudden power outages or connectivity issues could hinder the work being completed or reaching the employer on time.


A remote workforce is an new convenience thanks to today’s modern technology.  Of course, there will be failures and kinks along the way, but this model is not to be ignored as an employing option, as the benefits are too great.

Author Bio

Scarlett Erin is a professional Writer, Public Speaker, and a Blogger. In addition, she also works for assignment writing uk company as an academic writer.