Ironically, I was thinking about this last week. We hear so much these days how “HR is dead” or “HR is dying”. I’m getting a little tired of it, to be blunt. I’m an HR professional. I transitioned into the profession because I love it. Does HR need to shift and reinvent itself? Sure…most professions do. 

For those of you that know Steve Browne, you won’t be surprised about the theme of his post. For those of you that don’t know Steve, you should get to know him. He is passionate about connecting, collaborating and creating strong communities. In his words, he gets totally “geeked” about HR.

Here is his recent post titled “Resurrecting HR”


HR is dead.

(At least that’s what people want you to believe.)

It’s staggering to me that there continues to be this on-going conversation that is desperately trying to kill Human Resources. Blogs, magazine articles, conference presentations, etc. It’s happening throughout the profession, and very few people are standing up against it !! Why in the world should we allow people to degrade, belittle and tear down our profession? It’s especially disheartening when some of those voices are coming from inside HR itself !!

I believe that there should always be discourse, dialogue and critique. If that doesn’t occur, then change doesn’t happen. However, trying to move things forward through tearing it down has never worked. Never.

The reason for this post, and the title, is that I truly believe there is a problem and HR does need resurrecting !! Also, with it being Easter, how could you not use this title ??

The problem, as I see it, is that we are working so hard to maintain the status quo, that we’ve lost the urge to stretch and dream to see what HR could be. We feel that keeping things comfortable and in line will make our role effective and needed in organizations. It helps to have some of that, but not as your primary approach. It’s interesting that we encourage others not to settle, but we don’t see that this advice also applies to us.

I’d like you to consider some ideas to make HR alive for you personally and collectively as a profession !!

continue reading… Everyday People

by Steve Browne