Exit interviews

Are you a recruiter? Got a list of candidates to meet as long as your arm? Feeling the burn out of constant interviews?Whether you are new to recruitment or have a long history in securing the best candidates, here’s a helpful checklist of 4 major pitfalls to avoid when meeting prospects.

Well, unless you want them to avoid your company…then employ the following 4 practices and you’ll never hear again from those job candidates!

Pitfalls to avoid in recruiting candidates

4 Major Pitfalls to Avoid When Recruiting Candidates

  1. Not greeting candidates respectfully. Before you interview them, make sure to offer water, tea, or coffee. Besides being disrespectful, not offering something to drink could mean you miss out on a great candidate who is just feeling a little nervous. Also, first impressions count, you want top candidates to know you are there for them and will do your best for them.
  2. Letting your preconceptions blind you. We’ve all done it, it’s a natural part of human nature: you’ve read the resume and jumped to some conclusions before the candidate has even set foot in your office, good and bad. But don’t let your preconceptions blind you to hidden gems in the early stages. Always listen carefully to a candidate’s responses. Check body language and non-verbal signals in your line of questioning too. Be sure no to let prejudgements cloud your thinking; it could mean you miss out on some great candidates who just need a little coaching. Or worse, mean you send an unsuitable candidate off to a client simply because they looked good on paper.
  3. Breaking follow-up promises. At the end of an interview, it’s standard practice to promise to inform your candidate about next steps and tell them you will reach out to them soon. All too often though, candidates complain that the recruitment consultant never contacts them again and they are left hanging. Be realistic about your time and the promises you make and how you word the next steps. If you only have time to reach out to successful candidates then tell them. But if this is a really good candidate, take the time to inform them if you are not moving forward with their application at this time. The candidate might not be right for the position in front of you, but they may be an amazing fit for a future job that falls in your lap; a good recruiter does not burn their bridges with great candidates by letting them down.
  4. Not replying to emails from candidates in a timely manner. Yes, you’ve got a million competing priorities, and yes you told the candidate YOU would be in touch but don’t ignore their messages. You are in the business of HUMAN resources and people can be quickly turned off your organization if they feel ignored which could lose you a great candidate. Send a quick update as time allows, restating that you will contact them with any news. Remember they are human and probably quite anxious to hear. You can go a long way to assuaging their nerves with a simple line or two.


In recruitment, your reputation matters. These pitfalls may seem small but in the socially connected world we live in, their consequences can be catastrophic.  Always remember, a little empathy goes a long way. Show your candidates respect and it’s likely the positive impact you’ll make will leave you with a stellar reputation on the recruitment scene.